Career Articles and Newsletters - page 5

A Developer’s Guide To a Stand-Up That Doesn’t Suck

09 Nov 2020

It is almost universal that you’ll experience a 15-minute daily stand-up meeting every day as a developer. It is nearly as universal that these meetings will take longer than fifteen minutes and fee like a waste of time. Well, that is because most of the time, they aren’t running correctly. So, here are some tips to turn those meetings around.


4 Steps to Better Action

04 Nov 2020

Ever been in a retrospective, and in the end, there was an action item that nobody followed through on? Or have you been in a meeting where everyone is lobbying for their idea with no end in sight? Or maybe you’ve been confronted with a puzzle and weren’t sure what to do? You have reports, but aren’t quite sure how you can mentor and coach your reports? Yep, these scenarios cover just about every job.


Enough Tutorials Already!

20 Oct 2020

The other day someone reached out to me with a question I get somewhat regularly, but I never really thought to write down my answer much. The question was, “How do you come up to speed quickly on new languages and technology?”


The Ups and Downs of Recruiters

09 Oct 2020

Last night I saw a tweet fly by about a new book coming out that was all about the technical resume. I found it fitting since today I want to start promoting my first-ever class on the same thing. They mentioned it includes advice from 200+ recruiters and managers.
