Career Articles and Newsletters - page 4

Who Dropped the Ball?

02 Feb 2021

There are times throughout my career where I’ve taken an extreme stance on my responsibility as a developer. Ironically this approach was rarely met with accolades until well after the moments passed. So here are some of those stories. As you read them, I invite you to ask yourself what your responsibility is as a professional?


My Path to Learn Clojure

29 Jan 2021

I’ve been in this software game for over a decade now, and yep, still learning. Admittedly I haven’t had to put too much effort into learning new things as the years go on, but I decided to challenge myself by learning something where I have few previous patterns to leverage. I’m going to try and learn Clojure, which is a LISP, and breaks from most things I’m comfortable with.


A Brief Summary of Two Investing Books

22 Jan 2021

I’ll be honest and say that investing in the stock market has always been intimidating and mystifying. Yet, when companies offer 401ks those are investment accounts! I’ve felt held back by my ignorance and that I’ve been leaving money on the table for too long. So I started reading some books on the subject and this is what they both had to say.


Tell Me About Yourself

08 Dec 2020

Quite often, we find ourselves in jobs or roles that don’t make sense to us. It could be because they aren’t defined or because the definition always seems to change. How can you thrive if you don’t know how to succeed? One way you can change that is to define the principles you hold as you pursue excellence.


Should I Go Back to School?

03 Dec 2020

A question I get asked a lot by the people I coach is, “Should I go back to school?” They often ask this as they struggle to navigate the ridiculous interviews companies put them through. So, should they go back?


Hacking Procrastination

12 Nov 2020

Some time ago, I was on a coaching call, and I noticed that they were getting frustrated as they talked more and more about all the work they weren’t getting done. I remarked that they seemed to be frustrated, and they then expressed that they keep putting everything off, and all this procrastination is killing them.
