28 Aug 2020
On Friday, I led two back-to-back workshops about building resumes that lead to getting interviews, nearly 100% of the time. One of the things I was most worried about teaching people was how to write their experience in a way that shows value.
27 Aug 2020
You’re probably noticing my emails are a bit different. I’m trying out a new provider. Let me know what you think about the new experience!
05 Aug 2020
For most of us, our resumes go back in the drawer as soon as we take a job offer. However, there are some interesting benefits to keeping your resume fresh and dust-free.
10 May 2020
The adjustment to everyone working remotely continues, and companies everywhere are experiencing a lot of hard decisions as their main lines of business are interrupted. My clients and others I know are reporting layoffs, furloughs, and other work interruptions. Ever wonder how companies decide who to lay off?
02 May 2020
This week I wanted to write about a technique that I use pretty regularly. The Pomodoro Technique. While I suspect many of you are familiar with it, I want to go over the basics so that if you want to find a way to make the most of the time you have, you can get started.
10 Apr 2020
Well, one interesting thing that the COVID-19 virus is causing is that a lot of companies are encouraging people to work from home en masse. While many of us have worked remotely, the sudden surge of it as a focal point has led to a lot of advice circulating about how to do it well.