21 Mar 2019
The deadline is approaching and there is still so much to do. Workdays get longer, the rigor that normally applied to design and testing begin to slide in favor of cranking out more features. The technical debt card starts getting swiped.
15 Feb 2019
Steve is new to software, they spend a lot of time reading documentation, writing code, commenting it out, and trying again.
15 Feb 2016
I remain an uncertified agile coach. I wish to continue to remain an uncertified agile coach. I have missed many opportunities
because of this position.
03 Feb 2016
If great teams deliver great products, what do poor teams deliver?
21 Jan 2016
Today, Esther Derby wrote on Twitter:
20 Jan 2016
Sex is pretty great. Most people of a certain age tend to agree on that point. STDs are not great. Most people agree on
that too. Software tends to be a little bit of both.