28 Apr 2021
India is currently suffering incredible tragedy as COVID-19 spreads rapidly. As folks in software development, and more specifically companies who leverage off-shore development, what can we do?
02 Feb 2021
There are a number of times in any given project or product development cycle where you might have to consider stopping work. I want to explore some of those ideas and share a story.
01 Feb 2021
I often work with leaders who have a team or several teams of developers and want to trust them but wind up surprised and frustrated when news breaks. This incongruence feels a little hopeless because, on the one hand, they trust the team to take care of things, but then things still go wrong. What do you do about knowing the details and trusting the team?
17 Sep 2020
At a conference during the time between sessions, someone remarked that The Responsibility Process changed their life. I read the book and went through the class, and it changed my perspective as well.
09 Sep 2020
I was working with a group, and we were starting a new project. In this particular case, one group thought the project was for one set of users with a scope set. Another thought the goal was different, and yet another thought there was an other stakeholder.
03 Feb 2020
There is a funny thing that happens when consultants are around each other. They keep using big important words. One such set of words that get thrown around a lot is strategy and tactics.