Sex, STDs, and Software
20 Jan 2016
Sex is pretty great. Most people of a certain age tend to agree on that point. STDs are not great. Most people agree on that too. Software tends to be a little bit of both.
20 Jan 2016
Sex is pretty great. Most people of a certain age tend to agree on that point. STDs are not great. Most people agree on that too. Software tends to be a little bit of both.
15 Jan 2016
If we are using Scrum as the foundation for our agile process, then we have a Product Owner who is out there discovering and prioritizing the things that continually deliver increasing value to the business and it’s customers.
10 Jan 2016
We all love throwing around, “High-Performing,” teams as something that you get when you transition to agile beliefs and practices. This high-performing team could be described many ways, and I’ll try to provide a way to think about the journey a team takes as they become high-performing.
04 Jan 2016
Scrum Masters are farmers whose seeds are employees and whose crops are people.
17 Oct 2015
A really good friend of mine was visiting and we were just catching up. We were talking about what things we have been doing with our time and we both surprised one another by saying that we have both taken an interest in Fly Fishing.
10 Oct 2015
The title of this post is a parody on the infamous For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn. It is an example of what is sometimes called, “Flash Fiction.” While the title of this is a parody, it has remained a work of non-fiction in many of the organizations I’ve been in.