23 Aug 2017
In 2010 I spent 8 months in the worst job I ever had. For the last 5 or so of those months I was the company’s first an only Scrum Master. The individuals I worked with said that it was the best experience of their careers. This is a story of those 5 months.
15 Aug 2017
My last post was laid out the basic parts of how I think about agile coaching. This post will take on the first piece
which is: You.
03 Aug 2017
There are incredible people in the world that have taken up the profession of agile coaching. There are others, like
me, who are figuring out what to do with their passion. Others still, are trying to make a buck by riding a wave of the
current trend.
02 Aug 2017
You have heard, “Change is hard,” before. There may even be a personal experience that you have where these words were true. Here are my thoughts on those three words.
09 Jun 2017
I finished my most recent coaching engagement three weeks ago. This team watched another one go through
a transformation for the eight months prior.
22 May 2017
Last week, during stand up a manager that I’ve been working with said, out of the blue, that several work items now
have a deadline of the next Wednesday. My ears perked up.