24 Feb 2021
When an idea for a new project gains steam and people gather to decide what exactly it is to do, there are many options to choose from to help with initial scoping. One technique I use quite regularly is known as Impact Mapping.
28 Jan 2021
There was an interesting movie from when I was younger that I sometimes think of when I work with people on product management concepts. Many of us know the 80/20 rule about effort and whatnot, but what about in terms of adoption? Can you add one feature too much that hurts adoption? I think you can.
06 Jan 2021
I’m a big believer in agility, and I often help my clients find ways to take steps in growing their agility. Unfortunately, that means I also get tangled up in “Transformations.” Here’s how I typically see it play out, and some things I’d rather try instead:
31 Dec 2020
I often wind up helping groups understand some aspects of agility and Scrum. One common topic that seems to confuse groups is user stories. I want to go over several shapes they tend to appear in and close with my desired one. Hopefully, you’ll see the shape yours take and the tradeoffs.
03 Dec 2020
09 Nov 2020
It is almost universal that you’ll experience a 15-minute daily stand-up meeting every day as a developer. It is nearly as universal that these meetings will take longer than fifteen minutes and fee like a waste of time. Well, that is because most of the time, they aren’t running correctly. So, here are some tips to turn those meetings around.