Consulting Articles and Newsletters - page 20

How I Cut Development Time to 1/3rd

27 Aug 2020

A familiar reprieve from many consultants, agilists, and others is, “There are no silver bullets.” I’m going to describe the closest thing I know of as one, and it is also the most controversial thing I bring to my clients.


Dos and Don’ts for Decision Making

24 Aug 2020

A new project is about to begin, and various leaders are gathered in a room to make a few critical decisions. On the table today is the number of teams. A consultant provides several options. After listening, a leader asks about their current approach. The consultant asks, “How’s that working out for you currently?” The leaders pause and begin to talk about the problems before quickly suggesting that this time will be different.


Can You Hard-Boil an Egg?

28 Jul 2020

My favorite chef, Jacques Pepin, says that he judges a chef by what he does with eggs. That eggs are so simple in concept, but require precision to get right. He goes further to talk about the importance of technique, and that learning to perfectly hard boil an egg is where some people should start.


Running the Name Game

26 Jun 2020

The other day someone was asking for an activity to help experience what happens with smaller batch sizes. He might also have said limiting work-in-process, but I do have a small activity that I do to help people experience the impact of limiting how many things people take on at once.


Taking a Stance

11 Jun 2020

I’ve found myself in the past 2-3 weeks, well, unlike myself. I realized that who I am now is a lot more like the person I used to be, and I have been thinking about how I’ll move past it.
