Articles - page 21

Observations from a Pandemic

23 Oct 2020

The Corona Virus pandemic isn’t slowing down, but mentally I’ve emerged from hibernation. It hit hard in April of 2020, and now it’s October. That is how long it took for me to emerge from the haze of feeling mentally unsettled.


Enough Tutorials Already!

20 Oct 2020

The other day someone reached out to me with a question I get somewhat regularly, but I never really thought to write down my answer much. The question was, “How do you come up to speed quickly on new languages and technology?”


A Vignette of Kaizen

13 Oct 2020

Don’t tell my kids, but we bought an absurd present for Christmas, and I spent a few hours putting it together and hiding it in the attic. It is called a Pickler. As I assembled it, I went through several rapid improvements in my approach to building it, and I am going to connect back to Kaizen or continuous improvement hopefully.


The Ups and Downs of Recruiters

09 Oct 2020

Last night I saw a tweet fly by about a new book coming out that was all about the technical resume. I found it fitting since today I want to start promoting my first-ever class on the same thing. They mentioned it includes advice from 200+ recruiters and managers.


Piercing The Veil With Failure

01 Oct 2020

Years ago, I worked with a team, and they showed some remarkable results after I suggested some pretty bold changes. On that team, there was one person who continued to work the way they always did. The team was frustrated with them and eventually exhausted themselves, trying to get them to participate. The whole team went back to the way they did things before.
